
Friday, December 03, 2004

Putt putt fizzle fizzle slow slow

As far as riding goes this week, it sucked. Ma Nature didn't want us kids out on the trails, so she decided to let it rain and be cold for most of the week. Even those that were able to make it to the trails yesterday reported that it was the worst that some of them have seen in recent memory.

We'll get plenty more of these weeks this winter that seem to just drag on because there's no riding allowed. So I guess I'm forced to spend time on the Cross Check because little gears onthe road sucks. I've already stripped the Canal rider of its rack, brakes, and Dirt Drops. Back on were el mustachio bars, which I regretfully cut short. Brakes stay off for now until I can find a replacement brake lever. I guess I always have the option of jamming my foot between the the front tire and crown if I have to make an emergency stop...

Wifey, her family, cousins, and I are headed for Solomon's Island tonight and won't be back until Sunday. I'm definitely bringing my bike so I can stretch my legs a little. I'll probably bring the fixie to make things more interesting.

Next weekend I am taking a lactate threshold test to see if I'm fooling myself that I can get any stronger. Later that day, I'm splitting to Pittsburgh for the Dirt Rag's Punk Bike Enduro, which should be tons-o-fun. Anyone else making it up there? Hit me up in the comments section below.


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